Capt. Jack Morris
Director of Vessel Operations
Jack Morris grew up on a Delaware farm and was an apprentice as a union plumber and pipe fitter before he ever set foot on a scalloping boat.
When he was in his early 20s and had completed two years of college, he joined a friend for a single scalloping trip aboard a New Bedford boat, the Trade Winds, where he did well enough on his initial trip that he was offered permanent work.
He and his wife moved to Mattapoisett, where they bought a house. Captain Jack skippered a scalloper for most of the next decade before taking a job in 1988 at Mar-Lees Seafood in New Bedford, where he worked as plant manger. In 2005, John Lees bought three scallop boats and asked Captain Jack to be operations manager for the growing fleet.
Today, he oversees vessel operations for New England Marine, working closely with captains and crews to schedule fishing trips to serve the company’s direct customers, as well as processors and distributors with which New England Marine is partnered.
He and his wife live in Mattapoisett. They have three grown children.
Meet The Fleet
New England Marine’s five scallopers are berthed in New Bedford, MA, the world’s leading commercial fishing port , and are the best-maintained in the industry. That means our scallops get to your plate while they are at their very freshest and most delicious.